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Showing posts from May, 2017

Coptic Christians

As one of the most dominant sources of primary readership in the world newspapers have a great deal of power over what their recipients read and believe; with this being the case it is no surprise that it is the editorial standpoint of the articles presented in your local newspaper that dictate how you feel about particular subjects, especially those of international appeal, not unlike the varying views of the recent pig culls in Egypt.

World health oganization

Though the New York Times also covers the international health view in reporting that the World Health Organization has gone on record stating that the slaughtering of the nation’s pigs has “no scientific basis” and that the United Nations describes the government executed slaughter as being a “real mistake”. The periodical touches lightly on the issues and views of international health organizations but focuses more on the lack of compensation received and the plight of the poverty stricken pig farmers.